Auto Accident

Going to the Hospital after a Car Accident: What to Know

black sports car with smoke coming out of tires after spinning out.

It is always best to go to the hospital or seek medical attention after a car accident, even if you don't think you are injured. This is because sometimes injuries are not immediately apparent, but if you wait to seek medical attention, the insurance company may argue that you must not have been injured.

Going to the Hospital after a Car Accident: What to Know

If you have been involved in a car accident and have been injured, it is always best to seek medical attention immediately. Even if you do not think you are injured, you may have suffered internal injuries that you are not aware of.

There are many different types of car accidents, and each one will vary in severity and the injuries that result. Here are some different types of car accidents and the injuries that may result:

1 - Whiplash

Whiplash is caused when the head is jerked back and forth, causing the muscles and ligaments in the neck to be stretched or torn. Whiplash is common in rear-end collisions. Symptoms of whiplash include pain, stiffness, and headaches.

2 - Fractured Bones

Fractured bones are common in car accidents, especially high-speed collisions. Common fractures include broken wrists and ribs. If you think you may have a broken bone, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.

3 - Head Injuries

Head injuries can be very serious, even deadly. Common head injuries from car accidents include concussions, traumatic brain injuries, and skull fractures. Victims of head injuries may suffer from long-term or permanent disabilities, including cognitive impairments, memory loss, paralysis, and coma.

4 - Spinal Cord Injuries

A spinal cord injury can have a major impact on a person's life, causing paralysis and loss of feeling in the extremities. These types of injuries are common in high-speed collisions and can often lead to a lifetime of disability.

What to Do after a Car Accident

If you have been involved in a car accident and have been injured, there are a few things you should do:

1. Seek Medical Attention Immediately

You could have suffered internal injuries that you may not be aware of. Even if you do not think you are injured, it is important to get checked out by a medical professional as soon as possible.

2. Call the Police

Do not leave the scene of the accident without calling the police. If you are injured, you will want a report to provide to your insurance company and to document the accident.

3. Take Pictures

If you have a camera on your phone, take pictures of the accident scene. This will be helpful in documenting the accident. If there are any injuries, make sure to get pictures of those as well. And if there is damage to either vehicle, be sure to document that as well.

4. Contact Your Insurance Provider

Once you have taken the necessary steps to document the accident and you are able to safely move your vehicle, you need to contact your insurance provider. They will be able to help you get through the process of getting your vehicle repaired or replaced.

5. Get a Lawyer

If you have been involved in a car accident, you need to get a lawyer. It is not always necessary, but in most cases, it is a good idea. Even if there are no injuries and only minor damage to the vehicle, you should still consult with a lawyer. They will be able to tell you if you have a case against the other driver.

If You Aren't Injured after a Car Accident, Should You Still Go to the Hospital?

If you are involved in a car accident, and you are not injured, you may want to go to the hospital anyway. There is a possibility that you could be injured and not even be aware of it. Sometimes, it takes a few days for the pain to manifest itself. In addition, the hospital can do tests that you may not be able to do yourself. For example, if you have a concussion, the hospital will be able to do a CT scan to check for any damage to your brain. You may not be able to do this on your own. Also, adrenaline shields the body from pain temporarily after an accident. This is why you may be injured and not even know it; which is why going to a hospital is still a good idea.

Why You Need to Go to a Doctor after a Crash

1 - Injuries May Not Present Themselves Right Away

In some cases, you may appear to be alright after a crash. But after a few days, you may notice something wrong with your body. It is not uncommon for people to feel pain in their back or neck slightly after an accident.

It is necessary to go to the doctor if you feel any pain after an accident, even if it is minor. Trying to wait it out may cause a minor injury to become a permanent disability.

2 - Proper Documentation

If you want to file a personal injury claim, you will need to have the proper documentation from a doctor. Your insurance company will most likely not consider your claim without this documentation.

You will also need to have documentation if you plan to file a lawsuit against the other driver.

3 - Proper Diagnosis

If you go to the doctor, they will give you a proper diagnosis. They will also be able to provide you with the proper medication or even refer you to a specialist.

This will help you get the treatment you need so you can heal.

Keep Your Family Safe by Following the Law

You need to be safe on the road so you can avoid an accident. When you are involved in a crash, you will need to go to the doctor to get the proper treatment. If you are involved in a crash, contact a personal injury lawyer. They will help you get the maximum compensation for your injuries.

If you need an accident lawyer in Pasadena, come to Mendez and Sanchez Law. Our attorneys and team members are here to help you through the difficult legal landscape as we pursue the compensation you deserve. Please contact us for your Personal Injury, Auto Accident, Workers' Compensation, Slip and Fall, or other legal needs today!


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