Auto Accident

Dysarthria After a Car Accident - What Victims Can Do

Female doctor checking a man's neck after an accident.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Causes of Dysarthria After a Car Accident

III. What Are The Symptoms Of Dysarthria?

IV. What To Do If You’re Experiencing Symptoms After a Car Accident

V. What To Tell Doctors

VI. Treatment Options

VII. Can Dysarthria Symptoms Be Delayed?

VIII. Document the Medical Assistance You Receive

IX. Ask for Written Documentation

X. Conclusion



Traumatic brain injuries are common after car accidents, but they can be hard to diagnose due to differing symptoms and delayed effects. One condition that may affect car accident victims is dysarthria. The symptoms of a traumatic brain injury may not be immediately noticeable, so you should see your doctor first. You can always talk to an attorney later to help sort out what happened in an accident if you have any of the following symptoms. The symptoms mentioned in this article may be indicative of dysarthria; it is crucial that victims understand what it is.

Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder. When a person suffers from dysarthria, they have difficulty controlling the muscles of their tongue, mouth, lips, and jaw. This means that they may have difficulty forming words correctly, which impacts their ability to communicate verbally. Dysarthria is often caused by the brain or nervous system, but it is also associated with other medical problems such as partial paralysis, cerebrovascular accidents, muscular dystrophy, brain damage, and Parkinson’s disease.

Causes of Dysarthria After a Car Accident

Closeup of a plastic brain model.
Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

Impact of head trauma on speech production

Head injuries sustained in car accidents can have a profound impact on the muscles and nerves responsible for speech production. The forceful impact of the accident can disrupt the coordination and functioning of these speech-related components.

Damage to the brain or nervous system

Car accidents can lead to traumatic brain injuries and damage to the nervous system, which are closely linked to the development of dysarthria. The extent and location of the brain damage can determine the severity and specific characteristics of dysarthria symptoms.

What Are The Symptoms Of Dysarthria?

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Symptoms of dysarthria may vary depending on the cause of the condition. The most common symptoms include:

1 - Slurred speech

This symptom is characterized by a slow, labored speech production. It may also include a lack of speech that can be caused by a person’s lack of confidence or feelings of embarrassment.

2 - Lip smacking or lip pursing

This is the uncontrollable opening and closing of the lips, which can happen in the middle of a speech or while speaking a syllable. Lip-smacking is often associated with motor speech difficulty, which is another common symptom of dysarthria.

3 - Lack of facial expression

Having a face that is completely devoid of any expression of emotion is often associated with this disorder. The person may not be able to make facial expressions such as raising their eyebrows or smiling.

4 - Frequent stuttering

People who suffer from dysarthria often stutter when they speak. This is caused by the difficulty they are having in controlling the muscles of the mouth and tongue.

5 - Motor problems

Motor dysarthria is characterized by abnormal muscle movements. Often, this will manifest in the form of tremors of the upper or lower limbs. It may also include abnormal movements of the face, such as the inability to form a smile.

6 - Voice control challenges

This symptom includes challenges in controlling the muscles that are responsible for vocalization. The severity of dysarthria symptoms also varies depending on the cause. A person may have difficulties speaking, but they may also have problems swallowing and chewing, which may impact their ability to eat.

What To Do If You’re Experiencing Symptoms After a Car Accident

If you were injured in a car accident, you might experience symptoms of dysarthria. It is important that you seek medical attention if you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed here. You should inform your doctor of your injuries and about the accident. Tell them about any injuries you received that you may not have noticed. You may also be asked to demonstrate the symptoms of dysarthria.

What To Tell Doctors

Closeup of a doctor's chest holding esthetoscope
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If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car accident, you should tell the doctor the following:

1 - When did the symptoms start?

Your doctor may need to know when you started experiencing symptoms; this will help them to diagnose the condition.

2 - How severe are your symptoms?

You should also provide your doctor with a description of the severity of your symptoms. The severity of symptoms may be used to diagnose the condition.

3 - Did you have symptoms prior to the accident?

It is important to tell your doctor about any history of dysarthria that you may have. The doctor may then be able to determine the cause of your symptoms.

4 - Did you receive any impact to your head in the accident?

A traumatic brain injury can cause dysarthria. This can be a symptom of the injury or of a concussion.

5 - Did you suffer any other injuries in the accident?

A person may experience symptoms of dysarthria after suffering a concussion. It is important that you inform your doctor if any other injuries occurred in the accident.

6 - Did you experience a loss of consciousness?

Some people may experience a state of unconsciousness after the accident. If this occurs, the doctor will ask you when you became aware of your injury.

Treatment Options

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

a. Speech therapy interventions

Speech therapy is the primary treatment approach for dysarthria after a car accident. Speech-language pathologists will develop individualized therapy plans to target specific speech difficulties and improve overall communication skills.

b. Exercises to improve speech articulation

Specific exercises and techniques will be employed to enhance speech articulation and pronunciation. These exercises may focus on strengthening speech muscles, improving coordination, and enhancing overall speech clarity.

c. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)

In cases where speech is severely affected, augmentative and alternative communication methods may be introduced. AAC includes the use of communication aids, such as electronic devices or sign language, to supplement or replace speech.

d. Assistive devices and technologies

Assistive devices, such as speech-generating devices and computer-based communication systems, can aid individuals in overcoming speech challenges. These technologies can facilitate effective communication and enhance the individual's ability to interact with others.

Can Dysarthria Symptoms Be Delayed?

Sometimes, the symptoms of dysarthria can be delayed after an accident. This can happen because of the severity of the injury and the extent of the resulting brain damage. It is important that you inform your doctor immediately if you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned and when they started happening.

Document the Medical Assistance You Receive

If you go to the ER after a car accident, make sure to document the medical assistance you receive. Let the doctors and nurses know about any injuries that you suffered due to the car accident. You should also document any numb spots or tingling. You may not feel an injury right away, but it is important that you let the medical staff know.

If you experienced symptoms of dysarthria after a car accident, you might have a case of negligence. You should consult an attorney to determine if you have any grounds for a personal injury lawsuit.

Ask for Written Documentation

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

You should ask your doctor to issue you a written note about your injuries if you suffered from dysarthria after a car accident. The doctor should include information about the extent of the injury. You should also ask the doctor to provide you with documentation with relevant information about when the injury and accident occurred. This may serve to prove that the symptoms of dysarthria started after (and as a result of) the car accident.


Many people experience symptoms of dysarthria after an accident, but those symptoms are not always evident to the victim. You should seek medical attention if you have any of the symptoms listed here. It is best to see your doctor immediately to ensure effective treatment of your condition. If you are experiencing symptoms that you feel are indicative of dysarthria after a car accident, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Additionally, you should see a lawyer as soon as you can so that you can learn more about your legal rights.

If you are looking for a tried and tested accident lawyer in Los Angeles, visit Mendez and Sanchez Law. Our attorneys and team members are here to help you through the difficult legal landscape as we pursue the compensation you deserve. Please contact us for your Personal Injury, Auto Accident, Workers' Compensation, Slip and Fall, or other legal needs today!


While dysarthria may not be completely cured, it can be managed and improved with appropriate treatment and therapy.

Recovery time varies depending on the severity of the condition and individual factors. Consistent therapy and practice can lead to significant improvements over time.

Yes, speech therapy is an essential component of dysarthria treatment and can help individuals regain speech abilities through targeted interventions.

Medications may be prescribed to manage underlying conditions that contribute to dysarthria, but there is no specific medication to cure dysarthria itself.

Family and friends can provide emotional support, assist with therapy exercises, and promote effective communication strategies to facilitate the individual's speech and overall well-being.

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